
Showing posts with the label Backlinks

Link Building Strategies

Content and Links are two major factors in SEO. In this blog we will be talking about the types of links and some strategies for link building. First we will understand the types of links in SEO: IMPORTANT LINKS FOR SEO 1.       Internal Links: Links within your website to the respective content page 2.       Outbound Links: Links from your website to others 3.       Inbound Links: Commonly known as backlinks – that is other websites linking to your own website. Internal Links: Internal Links are the links within your website. These are basically the links you add to your website to allow users to navigate through different sections / products. It is important to have a good internal link structure.   Things to remember: 1.       Always include relevant internal links within your website to the content while you publish a new piece of content. 2.    ...